Effects: Boost, Fuzz, Treblebooster
The Okines is a blend of two of our most popular pedals, Thylacine and Red Ochre.
One of the biggest problems when stacking gain pedals is of course noise. As old school lovers, we know all too well that noise is inevitable when dealing with old transistors and resistors. At Van Diemens, we work hard to minimize noise by selecting the best transistors and resistors. With that in mind, it's still pretty hard to keep noise down when stacking pedals, so we made a few tweaks to the Red Ochre side. First, we used a lower gain transistor on that side where necessary, and also turned the gain down a tiny bit. It still maintains that classic sound, but it helps reduce some of the noise that comes with gain stacking with multiple pedals. However, it definitely gives a strong bang to the front of your amp and can really push an already broken amp to a very good start.
There are many different options for pedals. The default is the 4 knob version (there is also a 3 knob, 3 way switch custom order) with level and attack on the Thylacine side and boost and tone on the Red Ochre side. The tone control on the Red Ochre is a potentiometer, going from classic bright to dark. The transistors on the Thylacine are OC72, OC72/OC45 mix, or OC75 (if available). The Red Ochre is AC107, OC45, or OC44 (if available). In addition to these, we use NOS or refurbished diodes, capacitors, resistors, and the best parts.
These components are hand wired point to point on a turret board handcrafted in-house. Each pedal comes standard with an external 9 volt socket and an internal socket.